For So Many Children, This Is What Reading Feels Like

BY: James Robinson, The New York Times

When you’re a struggling reader, there’s no amount of motivation that can power you through the sludge of an opening paragraph. Because no matter how intrigued you may be by the topic, when you get to around here, the words begin to fa l t e r.

T h e s e n t e n c e s s l o w d o w n.

Y o u ha ve t o co n cen trat e s o h a r d t o e n s u r e t h a tyo u ca n r em em ber th e b eg inn i n g o f th e sen t e n ce b y t h et i m e

y o um a k e i t t o t h e en d.

And you wonder: What would it be like to make it to the bottom of an article?

Your mind twists around a question: How is it possible that some people can do this so easily? Yet you can’t.

Read more here.


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